Release Notes 3.8.0, Week of January 31, 2024

The latest release of Optii, version 3.8.0, brings in new operational enhancements and initiatives to assist properties in improving their efficiency, staying informed, and increasing guest satisfaction. With a focus on expanding integrations, service solutions, preventive maintenance tools, and reporting, Optii aims to make your operations even better. This release promises to be the first of many exciting updates in 2024.

  • Suggested Due Time

  • Optii Service x Tapendium Integration

  • Projects Optimized for Mobile

  • Location Detail Enhancements

  • Job Assets Export

Suggested Due Time 

In a major enhancement to Optii Service, we now offer a suggested due time based on our machine learning model. By utilizing Wait Time with Duration, this feature and model calculate the overall Response Time. This initiative should substantially improve any property's operational efficiency, guest services and experiences.

In a major enhancement to Optii Service, we now offer a suggested due time based on our machine-learning solution.

  • Suggested Time Estimation: Utilizing machine learning, the feature calculates Wait Time and Duration to forecast the Response Time. This facilitates improved planning and timely execution of jobs, ensuring services are both initiated and completed within optimal timeframes.
  • Efficient Staff Allocation: With the ability to predict job response times accurately, management can allocate resources more effectively. This optimization leads to equitable workload distribution, enhancing staff efficiency and reducing instances of either overstaffing or understaffing during critical periods.
  • Enhanced Guest Satisfaction: Providing guests with precise service time estimates significantly improves their experience. Proactive communication about potential delays effectively manages guest expectations, mitigating dissatisfaction and enhancing the perception of service quality.
  • Reduced Manual Input: By automating the estimation of job response times, this feature reduces the need for manual calculations, minimizing errors. This automation allows staff to focus more on delivering exceptional service rather than administrative duties.
  • Organization Level Access: Once enabled at your property, any team member with the ability to add jobs, they’ll be able to see the suggested due time, on the “Add Job” Modal once selected an item and location.  The team member can then decide if they want to replace the target due time with the suggested time.

Optii Service Integration with Tapendium

We are excited to announce our new integration between Optii Service and Tapendium, designed to enhance guest experiences and optimize staff efficiency. With this integration, guests can easily request services from the convenience of Tapendium’s in-room tablets. This feature eliminates the need for guests to call the front desk, reducing wait times and increasing satisfaction. At the same time, staff members can receive job requests in Optii Service, update the job, and ensure that services are delivered promptly and effectively. This integration is a significant step forward in our mission to provide innovative solutions that improve property operations and enhance guest experiences.

Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more or to set up this integration for your property!

Projects Mobile Optimization

With version 3.8.0, our Projects module is now accessible on mobile devices, making it easier to handle your corrective and preventive maintenance initiatives on the go! Whether you need to assign a job, get a progress update on a specific project, or revisit a completed project, you'll find a new section in the Optii menu titled Projects accessible from your iOS or Android device.

  • Project Management: Easily create a project, assign jobs, and perform tasks directly from the Projects module.
  • Mobile Friendliness: Enjoy the same familiar interface with an optimized mobile user experience.
  • Real-Time Updates: Access and review your project progress and completion percentages in real time

Location Detail View - View Current Jobs

The Location Detail view now enables users to view a location's jobs in a single, easy-to-use interface. With this enhancement, users can quickly see all jobs for a location that are in 'Not Started', 'In Progress', or 'On Hold' status, plus all 'Done' jobs for today. 

This view provides valuable insights into which rooms have multiple requests, allows for trend analysis, and simplifies the coordination of work between team members or departments. By providing a clear picture of the status of jobs at a specific location, this feature helps users stay organized, streamline operations, and ultimately improve guest satisfaction.

Reports - Job Asset Export

You can now access asset information directly from a job. Now, when an asset is associated with a job, you'll be able to access key asset-level information, such as a service cycle, last service date, asset life, and purchase cost.

  • Analyze Performance: Review service cycle, labor cost, and  track asset activity 
  • Informed  Decision: Compare the performance and service costs of different asset types, enabling you to make better decisions 
  • Role Permission Control: Job Asset Export, like all embedded reports, will be behind a role-level permission

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes


    1. Access asset information directly from the job. Now, when an asset is associated with a job, you'll be able to access all the asset-level information, such as a manual guide, warranty information, purchase details, and more
Bug Fixes
    1. Issue with not being able to see the entire task on the dropdown task type
    2. Instances with activity logs not displaying in the correct sorting

What if I have questions about all of this?

Your Optii Success Manager is awaiting your call—ask as many questions as possible!

Call on:

  • +1 855 398 1447 if you are located in North America, or
  • +852 3008 0288 if you are located in Asia, or
  • +44 20 3037 8851 if you are located in Europe, or
  • +61 7 5292 5166 from Australia/New Zealand.

If you prefer to email, reach us at