Release Notes - Feb 2023 - Version 3.1.7

Project Cycle Summary Report for Preventative Maintenance is now available!


With this report, you’ll be able to:

  • Easily analyze which Preventative Maintenance Projects are on track, at risk, or behind schedule
  • Filter using many different options to focus on the projects you are most interested in
  • View the most important project KPIs
  • View and export project detail data
  • Have a centralized view of all the repeating scheduled jobs.
  • Save time by scheduling a repeating job once and have it repeat as scheduled.

Please reach out to your Optii Success Manager if you need assistance to turn on the Project Cycle Summary Report permission for your property.

ico-feature  Filtering Options

  • Project Cycle Start Date - This filter will look at the project cycle start date and see if it matches your selected date range options.  This defaults to the last 30 days but you can update this with any available date range options.  
  • Project Cycle End Date - This filter will look at the project cycle end date and see if it matches your selected date range options.
  • Project Name -  This allows you to view only the project or projects that you have selected.
  • Project Cycle - This allows you to filter by a specific cycle or cycles within the selected project.
  • Project Cycle Frequency - This allows you to filter by daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.
  • Project Cycle Past Due - This allows you to select by ‘All’, ‘Yes’, ‘No’.  If you select ‘Yes’, it will only bring back project cycles where the end date has passed.
  • Project Cycle Status - This allows you to select by ‘All’, ‘Current’, ‘Past’, ‘Future’ to coincide with the existing Project statuses.

ico-feature View KPIs

Similar to our other reports, we will highlight the most important Key Performance Indicators for the project cycles including:

  • Cycles In Progress - Number of cycles that are in progress that match all the filtering criteria
  • Cycles Past Due - Number of cycles past due that match all the filtering criteria
  • Average Duration - Average length of time to complete project jobs once assigned that match all the filtering criteria
  • Average Cost Per Job - Average labor cost to complete project jobs once assigned that match all the filtering criteria

ico-feature Project Summary by Percent Completion

This bar graph will aggregate the percentage completion across all projects that match the search criteria.  

  • Green Bar- Represents the number of project cycles that are on track as it is 76-100% Complete
  • Yellow Bar - Represents the number of project cycles that are at risk as it is 51-75% Complete
  • Red Bar - Represents the number project cycles that are behind as it is 0-50% complete

In the future, you will be able to click on the bar graphs to quickly view the project cycle detailed information.

ico-feature Reporting Records

This will give you a tabular view of all the Project detail information including:

  • Project Name - Name of the Project
  • Project Cycle Start Date - Start date of the Scheduled Project Cycle
  • Project Cycle End Date - End date of the Scheduled Project Cycle
  • Actual End Date - Actual date that the project cycle ended
  • % Completion - (Number of Jobs Completed in a Project Cycle/Number of Total Jobs in a Project Cycle) x 100
  • In Progress - Number of project jobs In Progress in a cycle
  • Not Started - Number of project jobs Not Started in a cycle
  • Avg Labor Hours - Sum of the number of duration hours of all the project jobs/number of project jobs
  • Avg Labor Cost -  Duration hours X employee labor cost/number of project jobs

ico-feature Schedule and receive the Project Cycle Summary Report in your inbox

Similar to the other reports, our CSM team will be able to schedule the report so that you can receive it when you need it and analyze the report as time permits.


Please reach out to your Optii Success Manager if you would like to schedule this or any of the existing reports.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes:

    • Preventative Maintenance: You can now search for Preventative Maintenance Projects by name
    • Preventative Maintenance: You can now edit Projects again after resolving a bug that was introduced recently.
    • Preventative Maintenance: When Adding/editing a Project, you now have to select an Asset Type before saving or updating the project.
    • Repeating Jobs: When multiple notes are added to the Repeating Jobs template, the notes are now displayed correctly when viewing the scheduled repeating job.
    • Unsent User Invites:  When viewing an ‘Unsent User Invite’ with multiple roles, you will now be able to view all the original roles that were previously selected. 
    • Job Items:  When editing a job item, you will now be able to make any updates to the job item name and Optii will no longer display an incorrect duplicate job item name message.
    • Assets: When you delete an asset, you will be taken back to where you originally were versus returning you back to the beginning of the asset list.
    • Assets: When adding a new Asset Type, you no longer see non-existent assets associated with the new Asset type.
    • Chat Push Notifications:  In some cases, if you were an IOS user, you were not receiving the Chat Push Notifications.  You should now see Chat Push Notifications on IOS in all supported cases.
    • Roles and Permissions:  You can now individually select which reports you want to assign to a specific role and only view the selected reports.
    • We continue to enhance the overall performance of the User Invites, Projects, Team Member Schedule and Jobs modules.

    Please be aware that Optii Platform will no longer support Android devices running Android 7 or lower.  Please note our Housekeeping product will continue to support Android 7 and above.  If you have any concerns, please reach out to our CSM or our support teams below.

    What if I have Questions about all of this?

    Your Optii Success Manager is awaiting your call - ask as many questions as possible!

    Call on:

    • +1 855 398 1447 if you are located in North America, or
    • +852 3956 0630 if you are located in Asia, or
    • +44 20 3037 8851 if you are located in Europe, or
    • +61 7 5292 5166 from Australia/New Zealand.

    If you prefer to email, reach us at