Release Notes - June 2022 - Version 3.0.25

Get Ready For The New Preventative Maintenance — Early Adoption Release

With our Preventative Maintenance module, our Engineering and Maintenance Managers will:

  • Have a standard and fully transparent view of all the PM projects in your hotel.
  • Be able to prolong the life of your property assets.
  • Easily identify which assets are causing the most problems.
  • Be able to report on Engineering performance and productivity.

ico-feature View All Active Projects

Once given the appropriate permissions, you will have access to the Preventative Maintenance Dashboard, where you can easily see the status of every project, whether the projects are on track, and when the next project cycle has been scheduled.

ico-feature Add Projects

When adding a project, simply define the project and the repeating project schedule,  review the preselected associated assets by location, and Optii will handle the job generation for each location. 

ico-feature View Project Cycles

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Once the project is saved, you can see all the job details of the project along with the project cycle information based on the project schedule in read-only.  

If you realize that you would like to make some changes to the name, project repeat cycle schedule, priority, etc, you can simply edit the project.  You can also edit current project cycle start and end dates.

When expanding a project cycle, you can automatically see which jobs are queued, remain to be done and bulk assigns the jobs to your selected team members as part of the project cycle.

ico-feature View Generated Project Jobs


Once a queue job is assigned to a team member, the project jobs will appear on the Job Status and Timeline views with a project indicator to instantly let you know that it's a project job.  

Very soon, you'll be able to filter by project jobs and past-due jobs.

ico-feature View Asset Types


To take advantage of the full power of Projects, we made it simple for you to define and maintain all the asset types, typically by brand or manufacturer and assets by the location in your property.  Once the asset and asset type set-up is done, you can see which assets generate the most jobs, as seen below. 

Want to learn more or ready to upgrade to get access to our latest module? Contact your success manager today!

Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Multi-Property: If you have access to multiple properties, you can access the Property Global navigation much quicker
  • Chat: You can access Chat even if Chat is turned on after the user was created
  • Chat: If you receive a direct message from someone, you are now able to delete the direct messages
  • Job Items: When viewing the list of Job Items in Settings, you can see the edited default Department and Role names
  • Emailed Reports: Addressed access and filtering issues when scheduling and emailing reports

Would you like to participate in our Preventative Maintenance Checklist Usability Test Sessions?

Please reach out to our Customer Success team, and we will schedule a 45-minute feedback session with you and your team.

What if I have Questions about all of this?

Your Optii Success Manager is awaiting your call - ask as many questions as you can!

Call on:

  • +1 512 793 7706 if you are located in the US, or
  • +852 3956 0630 if you are located in Asia, or
  • +44 20 3037 8851 if you are located in Europe, or
  • +61 7 5292 5166 from anywhere else.

If you prefer to email, reach us at