Auto-assign by Chief Engineer

This option allows you to handpick the Chief Engineer for the preventative maintenance project.

Are you a General Manager looking to improve your preventative maintenance workflow? Optii offers a powerful solution that allows you to handpick specific team members for projects or leverage an automated assignment feature to save time and boost efficiency.

Taking Control with Auto Assignment

The "Assign by Chief Engineer" option in Optii empowers you to select your Chief Engineer for each preventative maintenance project. This is ideal for situations where:

  • Specific expertise and accountability is required.
  • Team members have unique availabilities.
  • You want to provide hands-on training to new team members.

Assigning Preventative Projects Automatically:

  1. Login to Optii: Access the Optii platform using your login credentials.
  2. Navigate to Jobs: Locate the "Project" section within Optii. This will display a list of all your preventative maintenance projects.
  3. Select a Project: Choose the specific project you want to assign team members to.
  4. Assign Team Members: Utilize the designated section within the project details to select the team members you want to involved. Optii offer functionalities like search bars or drop-down menus to find the desired team members.

Benefits of Manual Assignment:

  • Targeted Expertise: Ensure the right person is assigned for the job, maximizing the effectiveness of your maintenance plan.
  • Customizable Teams: Build project teams based on specific requirements and member strengths.
  • Training Opportunities: Assign tasks strategically to provide training and skill development for your team.

Auto-Assign: Effortless Efficiency

Optii's auto-assign feature takes the burden of manual task allocation off your shoulders. Here's how it optimizes your workflow:

  • Reduced Busywork: Spend less time assigning tasks and more time focusing on strategic initiatives.
  • Improved Efficiency: Automated assignment streamlines project creation based on predefined schedules and team preferences.
  • Balanced Workload: Tasks are distributed evenly among team members, ensuring everyone contributes fairly and maximizing overall productivity.

Focus on What Matters Most

By leveraging Optii's manual and auto-assign features, you can empower your team to deliver exceptional guest experiences. Optii allows you to:

  • Free Up Valuable Time: Focus on core leadership activities and operational excellence.
  • Boost Team Morale: Ensure a fair and balanced workload, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
  • Achieve Operational Excellence: Streamline preventative maintenance to optimize efficiency and guest satisfaction.

Take control of your preventative maintenance projects today! For more information on Optii's solutions and features, contact our team at