Optii Glossary - Cleaning Tasks

Below you will find a detailed explanation of each cleaning task available in Optii, designed to help you manage your housekeeping operations with ease and efficiency.

How Optii Handles Departure Tasks

1. Automatic Creation of Departure Tasks

When: On the day a guest is scheduled to leave.

How: Optii gets a message from the Property Management System (PMS) when the guest checks out or is set to check out.

Early Checkouts: If Optii receives a message that the room is an early departure, then this room will be marked as Vacant and Dirty and Optii will create a departure cleaning task.


2. Assigning Departure Tasks
How: Use the "Assign Cleaning" option or pick from the "Uncovered Task List". These tasks need to be given to room attendants to complete during what we know as the Morning Room Assignment process.

How Optii Handles Stayover Tasks


1. Automatic Creation of Stayover Tasks
When: Depends on the configuration cadence of each property. Each property has different requirements for stayover cleaning but following the property’s specifications, Optii will automatically create the stayover cleaning task (every day, every 2 days, every 3 days etc.)
How: Optii receives the reservation information from the Property Management System (PMS) that indicates the number of nights the guest will stay at the property and act accordingly.
Early Checkouts: Optii will also create a task if the guest leaves early as the room is now vacant and dirty and in need of cleaning


2. Assigning Stayover Tasks
How: Use the "Assign Cleaning" option or pick from the "Uncovered Task List". These tasks need to be given to room attendants to complete during what we know as the Morning Room Assignment process.

How Optii Handles Other Type of Cleaning Task

When dealing with cleaning tasks, it is important to know how Optii behaves in order to anticipate its response.

When a cleaning task is being created: In case that the room in question may be clean or inspected, Optii will first mark the room as dirty. The reason for this is because Optii knows that if a cleaning task is being created, then the room must be dirty by default. After this, Optii will then proceed to revise whether the room is occupied or not:

If the Room is occupied - Optii will create a stayover cleaning task
If the Room is vacant - Optii will create a departure cleaning task

Other types of Cleaning tasks:

  • Touch up task
  • Clean task
  • Check task
  • Turndown Task

What is a Touch Up Task

A cleaning activity customized to meet the property's specific needs.

Customizable Touch up Cleaning Tasks
A property can customize the duration and credit of a touch up task depending on the type of cleaning activity.

Example 1: A quick 15-minute task called 'short cleaning'.
Example 2: A thorough 90-minute task called 'deep cleaning'.

Configuration Requirement
Touch up tasks must be created and configured in the system before they can be used. It is not something that will be available Ad-Hoc

What is a Clean Task

Understanding Optii's Behavior: When a cleaning task is created, Optii follows specific steps to manage room status and assign appropriate tasks:

  1. When a cleaning task is being created: If the Room is Clean or Inspected Optii will first mark the room as dirty. The reason is if a cleaning task is being created, Optii assumes the room must need cleaning and by default then the room must be dirty.
  2. Room Occupancy Check: Optii will proceed to revise whether the room is occupied or not, which will determine the type of cleaning task to be created.
    • If the Room is occupied - Optii will create a stayover cleaning task
    • If the Room is vacant - Optii will create a departure cleaning task

What is a Check Task

There are several reasons behind how a check task can be created but in little words, it is basically a way for the software to verify the ‘true’ status of the room i.e., Clean or Dirty.

  1. OOO/OOS Rooms (Out of Order/Out of Service)
    When a room returns from being out of operation and Optii cannot determine its cleaning status - For example, a room that was out for engineering work or site inspection, Optii will create a check task to verify the room’s status.

    Through configurations, you can decide the type of activity that gets created for certain OOO codes.

  2. Cleaning status discrepancy between Optii and PMS:
    If the PMS indicates a room is Vacant Clean (VC) while Optii says it’s Vacant Dirty (VD), a discrepancy occurs. Optii requests a check task to confirm the actual status. This will be applicable for any type of status discrepancy between both softwares.

  3. Inspections rolled over to the next day
    Rooms not inspected the previous day need a status check because it’s been a while since the last cleaning, therefore Optii creates a check task to ensure the room’s status.

  4. Completed corrections
    After a room attendant (RA) corrects missed cleaning areas noted by an inspector through the use of the inspector checklist. When an RA has finished with the correction, Optii will ‘bring back’ the room to the Inspector in the form of a ‘check.’ Optii creates a check task for the inspector to verify if the room is now ready for guests or needs further cleaning.

What is a Turndown Task

A turndown task is a cleaning activity that happens usually in the afternoon/early evening where an RA refreshes the room by providing a light cleaning. This task follows the same process as your morning room assignment in which you can select to do the auto assignment through the ‘Assign Turndown’ button (as opposed to ‘Assign cleaning’ during the morning assignments) or a room assignment through your ‘Uncover Task List.’

What is an Inspection Task

An inspection is automatically created by Optii once a cleaning activity has been completed.

Following this thought process it is important to note that in order for an inspection to be created, the room must first be in clean status.

  • Inspection restrictions:
    • Dirty Rooms: Inspections are not created for rooms that are Vacant Dirty (VD) or Occupied Dirty (OD), this is because dirty rooms cannot be inspected. Optii will demand a cleaning activity first befoire moving it to an inspection task
    • Inspections on inspected rooms: If you attempt to create an inspection for a room that is already inspected, Optii will automatically change the room's status to either VD (Vacant Dirty) or VC (Vacant Clean), depending on your property's configuration, to enable the inspection. This is due to the fact that you cannot inspect a room that is already inspected so Optii will bring it to a status that would allow this activity.