Getting Started with Optii Housekeeping (NEW)

Welcome to your very own training hub for the Optii Housekeeping platform!

Hello, and welcome to your dedicated training page for the Optii Housekeeping platform! We are so happy to be partnered with your hotels and look forward to helping your teams manage and track their projects and tasks with ease.

We have created a suite of training videos for you to prepare you to use our system. These videos, when watched in order, will have you up and running in no time. We’ve broken each topic down into its own video so that you can easily revisit any topics of interest in the future as well.

💡Tip: Feel free to share this valuable resource with your colleagues to explore Optii.

Would you like to learn more? 

If you would like to learn more about Optii, please check out our Optii learning centre today at

Have questions or need help?

Do you have any questions about Optii? Please contact your success manager today at